The report notes speculation in the futures market of primary agricultural commodities is behind much of the volatility in food prices. 联合国的这位食物权特别报告员还指出,食品价格的剧烈动荡主要是农产品期货市场上的投机活动造成的。
There are signs that China is beginning to see Eastern Russia as an important strategic rear area, a proximate overland supplier of a range of vital primary commodities. 有迹象表明中国开始将俄罗斯远东地区视作重要的后方战略区域;一个多样且重要的初级产品(未经加工或因销售习惯而略作加工的产品)的内陆直接供应地。
Last year, China's imports of primary products increased rapidly, and the structure of exported commodities was further optimized. 去年中国初级产品进口增长迅速,出口商品结构进一步优化。
World export prices indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods 初级产品和制成品世界出口价格指数
This impact is most evident in consumer goods and primary commodities. 最显著的影响表现在消费品和初级商品方面。
Primary metals and livestock exports have also experienced strong export growth under Mr Obama, well above the average 32.7 per cent for all commodities. 在奥巴马担任总统期间,美国初级金属和牲畜出口也出现强劲增长,远远超过所有大宗商品32.7%的平均增幅。
The prices of primary commodities on the international market have risen considerably in recent years, which directly puts upward pressure on domestic prices. 近年来国际市场初级产品价格大幅上升,也直接影响国内价格上涨。
UNCTAD Secretary-General, Supachai Panitchpakdi, says LDCs are too heavily dependent on exports of primary commodities and low-value-added manufactures. 联合国贸发会议秘书长素帕猜.巴尼巴滴说,最不发达国家太过依赖原材料和低附加值产品的出口。
Buffer stocks: Stocks of a commodity held in an attempt to even out price fluctuations in primary commodities. 缓冲存货,调节性库存:指为稳定初级产品价格波动而设立的某种产品的库存。
Non-commercial reserves ( of primary commodities) 非商业储备(初级商品)
The primary task in our nation's export trade is to update and upgrade export commodities as quickly as possible. 尽快实现出口商品的升级换代,是我国出口贸易工作的首要任务。
The primary drivers of this new bull market in commodities are monetary debasement and supply and demand fundamentals. 这轮商品市场牛市的主要驱动力是货币的贬值和供求的基础关系。
World market prices, particularly of primary commodities, also declined. 国际市场价格,特别是初级产品价格也下跌了。
Cong la economy is the unique economic form of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau which as the early and primary market in Tibetan areas springs up in accordance with the creation and development of Tibetan Buddhism monastery and undertakes the function of exchange of commodities and goods distribution. 丛拉经济是青藏高原特有的经济存在形式,依藏传佛教寺院的创建、发展而兴起,是藏区早期的集市、初级市场,承担着商品交换、物资集散的市场功能。
In recent years, the export of industrial finished products is far beyond the primary commodities, the gross export quantity of electromechanical products and high-tech products increased year after year, and the technical content of exports raised, also trade in technology and service developed rapidly. 近年来,江苏工业制成品出口已远远超越初级产品,机电产品及高新技术产品出口总量连年上升,出口商品技术含量提高,技术贸易与服务贸易发展迅速。
Most of the net imported primary commodities came from Oceania, Africa and Latin America. 2. 初级产品的净进口主要来自大洋洲,非洲和拉丁美洲。